The Power Of Meditation

Meditation can be a powerful tool to not only your mind, but your body as well.  It function to make our mind peaceful and calm so we can accomplish tasks with a clear head.  It relieves our stress and strain, while enhancing our ability to face challenges.  It keeps our body in shape, helps our nervous system, helps our minds, our alertness, improves our perception, and helps us to properly express ourselves.  Meditation is food for the soul and a lifeline for the body.  It facilitates a disease free body, a confusion free mind, inhibition free intellect, and sorrow free soul.  By meditating, you are helping to create a violence free society.

It only takes a few minutes a day to gain more energy and focus for the day.  Many people believe they don’t have an extra 10-15 minutes to sit down and meditate.  However, meditating will actually clear your mind to focus on tasks, which will free up more time in the long run.

Watch this video below for a quick and simple breathing exercise to help clear your mind. -Video – Om Meditation Anywhere Anytime

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