An Ayurvedic Approach To Soothing Your Aliments

Winter is finally here in full force.  This is the time of year where we overfill our bellies, bundle-up and hibernate away from the freezing elements.  Often winter is the time where we find we are at our biggest imbalance.  Whether it’s a cold, stress from the snow, or too many drinks at the holiday party, our imbalances are everywhere.

The correct remedy is essential to keeping your everyday life manageable.  To sooth your aliments there are many approaches you can take.  You can turn to modern day medicines like Advil or NyQuil, or you can take a more holistic approach.

The Daily Beast lists some alternative Ayurvedic remedies that are cheap and effective to bringing your life back in balance.

1. Fever—Crush a handful of basil leaves and a 1 inch piece of ginger. Press the mixture into a sieve with the back of the spoon to squeeze out the liquid then add 1tsp of honey. Drink ever 4 to 6 hours.

2. Acid Reflex and Indigestion – Chew a few basil leaves after a meal. The simple act of extra chewing will help create additional saliva which can aid in digestion.

3. Hair Loss—Take one part cinnamon to two parts honey to 3 parts olive oil, mix it together and apply to areas of hair loss for about a half hour then wash away.

4. Hangover—Make yourself a cup of coffee and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. While drinking that eat two bananas and let the peels soak in a glass of water. Once you finish the cup of coffee wait a little bit to digest then drink the glass of water.

5. Menstrual Cramps—Eat two tbsp of flax seeds during your period because of their hormone balancing lignans and phytoestrogens.

6. Snoring—Take a cup of warm milk and mix in a tsp of Turmeric powder. Drink it before bed. This one I can personally attest to as a miracle cure. I actually find that having this once keeps me snore free for up to a week.

7. Whiter Teeth—Make a paste by crushing some basil leaves with the zest of an orange. Put it on your teeth for about twenty minutes then wash it off.

8. Improved Memory – Have a tsp of good quality raw honey with a pinch of cinnamon before bed to give your brain the glucose it needs to work all night long processing and repairing.

9. Allergies—Mix one part cucumber juice with one part beet root juice and three parts carrot juice. Drink it once per day.

10. Nasal Congestion – Put some black pepper in a pan and heat it on high for a couple of minutes the breathe in the fumes through your nose.

11. Headache—Take the rinds of a couple of lemons and squash it into a paste. Apply to the forehead for fast relief and follow up with a cup of green tea with half a lemon squeezed in.

12. Anxiety—Squeeze fresh orange juice into a glass then mix in one tbsp of honey and one tbsp of nutmeg for a daily tonic to help ease your stress.

13. Dry Skin – Mash together two bananas with two tbsp of honey and apply it to the skin for about fifteen minutes before washing the paste off.

14. Hypoglycemia or Low Blood Sugar – Make a tea from hot water and licorice powder which you drink twice daily.

15. Common Cold – Add a tsp of ground black pepper and a tsp of ground turmeric to a glass of warm milk.  The Daily Beast also suggests the “Less Doing” method which prescribes zinc and lime.  Take 100mg of zinc when you wake up, followed by four 8 ounce glasses of water with a whole lime throughout the day.  Then finish off with 50mg of zinc right before bed.


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